Taylor's Miracle ~ Part Four
The ambulance arrived at the emergency room doors of Riley Children’s Hospital at around 7:00 Monday evening, June 12 th , 2006. Taylor was wheeled into a private emergency room and attached to monitors to record his vitals. I was shocked to lay eyes on him again after the two hour drive from the transferring hospital. He was now extremely bloated. His entire face was so swollen that he could hardly move his lips to speak. His previously thin chest that clearly showed his sternum and every rib, was now so bloated that it looked like a barrel had been implanted inside his torso. His hands and feet were so puffed I was afraid his fingers and toes might pop if it became any worse. The hive blotches had also grown much larger over his face and body and now appeared to blend all together changing his pale skin to a deep reddish purple sea of welts. If it wasn’t for his trademark curly, red hair he would be completely unrecognizable. And then we waited. We waited for ho